To: 2021 Graduating Students
From: Caltech Commencement
Date: April 5, 2021
Re: Your Commencement To-Do List
We are looking forward to celebrating Caltech's Class of 2021 at the virtual degree conferral and graduation ceremony on Friday, June 11, 2021. The virtual event will broadcast at 10 a.m. Pacific on this website. After the initial broadcast, the video will remain available for future viewing.
All graduating students will be acknowledged in the virtual event with a personalized grad slide displayed on screen as your name is read. It is our hope that this virtual event will serve as a meaningful and personal way of recognizing your significant accomplishments and will allow us to confer your degrees in a timely manner. In order to make this special event a reality, however, we need your help.
Please complete the following items in the time-frames listed below:
- April 5-30: Purchase regalia online from the Caltech Store
The Institute is covering the cost of regalia for every member of the Class of 2021. Regalia can be ordered online at no cost beginning today, April 5. If you would like to wear your regalia in the photo you submit for your grad slide, place your order by April 30 to ensure you receive it in time. Learn more. - May 1-19: Complete the Graduate Information Form
Through this form, which will be available by May 1 on the Get Ready page of this website, you will customize your grad slide with a photo of yourself and your clubs and affiliations, provide your mailing address for gifts and other mailed items, and provide your name pronunciation. We will send graduates a reminder email when that form is live. - Plan Your Celebration
Visit the Participate page to learn about the various ways to celebrate together even while we're apart. As more celebration activities are planned by offices across campus, we will continue to update that page.
Have questions about Commencement? Check out the FAQ page or contact the offices managing commencement.