Information for Family Members and Other Guests
Directions to Caltech
Directions to campus, including specific directions from regional airports, are available on the main Caltech website.
Parking is available in lots and structures throughout the campus. Please see the commencement map for the parking locations.
As a courtesy, the Caltech Parking Office will not be charging for guest parking on Thursday and Friday, June 13 and 14. Visitors may park in unreserved stalls.
In addition, the two-hour parking limit on surface streets surrounding campus will be lifted on the following streets on Friday:
- Hill Avenue from California to Del Mar
- Del Mar Boulevard from Hill Avenue to Catalina
- Catalina Avenue from Del Mar to California
- San Pasqual Street from Wilson to Mentor
- Wilson Avenue from San Pasqual to California (Please note, street parking on the north side of California Boulevard will be unavailable due to nearby construction.)
The commencement event map provides information for guests and participants on parking, the ceremony site and marshaling area, as well as other services.
A variety of campus maps, including a campus accessibility map, are available on Caltech's website.
Guest Seating and Restricted Items
Tickets are not required to attend Caltech's Commencement. Guest seating is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Guest seating opens at 9:00 a.m.
Guests are encouraged to fill rows completely, avoiding empty seats, in order to maximize limited seating. Balloons, signs, banners, flags and other similar objects which obstruct views and create hazards are not permitted underneath the tent. Air horns and other noisemakers are prohibited.
ADA Accessible Seating is located near the front left side of the Beckman Mall facing the stage (northwest corner). ADA seating is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Accessibility Accommodations
Accessible Passenger Drop Off is located on the south end of Lot #11. The area is accessible from Michigan Avenue, south of Del Mar Boulevard. The site is at the top left corner of the commencement map. A full campus accessibility map is also available.
Accessible Parking is available at each parking structure on campus with marked accessible spaces.
Transportation on campus is available from Campus Security. There will be an officer stationed at the Accessible Passenger Drop Off area on Commencement morning. The officer can call for an electric cart to transport a person to the Commencement site.
Accessible Seating is located near the front left side of the Beckman Mall facing the stage (northwest corner). Limited seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Due to the size of the accessible seating area, only one person may accompany the individual requiring accessible seating.
American Sign Language interpreters will be signing at the Commencement exercises. These interpreters will be positioned in the Accessible Seating area.
Large-Type Programs are available at the information booth, located at the far south end of Beckman Mall.
Assisted Listening Devices are available from the information booth, located at the far south end of the Beckman Mall.
Wheelchairs are available for use on the site only to transport people to/from their seats. These wheelchairs are kept in the first aid booth in the information booth located at the far south end of the Beckman Mall.
Messages of Congratulations
A virtual board will display messages celebrating our graduates online and at Commencement. To add your message and photos, use #Caltech2024 in posts* on Instagram or Twitter. You can also text photos and messages to (626) 876-3091.
*Posts will be held for moderation before becoming visible. Posts must come from public accounts (private accounts are not visible to our tools).
Caltech negotiates reduced commencement rates at a variety of area hotels. See the Hotels page for hotel information.
A variety of dining options exist right on campus:
Browne Dining Hall: the campus cafeteria (breakfast/lunch)
Red Door Marketplace: across from the Browne Dining Hall in Hameetman Center; coffee, drinks, sandwiches, soup, salads
The Athenaeum: the faculty club (must be a hotel guest or member; reservations required)
For off-campus restaurant suggestions, please check a site such as Google Maps or Yelp.
Visiting Pasadena
Pasadena has something for everyone! Here are a few links to get you started: